# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"PDF Template Helper for FPDF.py"
__author__ = "Mariano Reingart <reingart@gmail.com>"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2010 Mariano Reingart"
__license__ = "LGPL 3.0"
import common
from fpdf import Template
import os
class randomfake:
RINT1_10 = [8, 5, 7, 9, 10, 8, 1, 9, 1, 7, 6, 2, 3, 7, 8, 4, 6, 5, 7, 2, \
5, 8, 6, 5, 5, 8, 7, 7, 6]
RINT65_90 = [67, 67, 87, 78, 84, 67, 86, 75, 86, 89, 81, 69, 72, 71, 84, \
80, 71 , 86 , 82 , 70 , 84 , 69 , 70]
RFLT = [0.820710198665, 0.342854771472, 0.0238515965298, 0.177658111957, \
0.422301628067, 0.701867781693, 0.168650983171, 0.329723498664, \
0.490481106182, 0.892634029991, 0.994758791625, 0.998243714035, \
0.596244312914 ,0.318601111178 ,0.321593673214 ,0.203486335469]
def __init__(self):
self.icnt1_10 = 0
self.icnt65_90 = 0
self.fcnt = 0
def randint(self, beg, end):
if beg == 1 and end == 10:
self.icnt1_10 += 1
if self.icnt1_10 > len(self.RINT1_10):
self.icnt1_10 = 1
return self.RINT1_10[self.icnt1_10 - 1]
if beg == 65 and end == 90:
self.icnt65_90 += 1
if self.icnt65_90 > len(self.RINT65_90):
self.icnt65_90 = 1
return self.RINT65_90[self.icnt65_90 - 1]
raise Exception("Not implemented")
def random(self):
self.fcnt += 1
if self.fcnt > len(self.RFLT):
self.fcnt = 1
return self.RFLT[self.fcnt - 1]
def dotest(outputname, nostamp):
# generate sample invoice (according Argentina's regulations)
from decimal import Decimal
f = Template(format="A4",
title="Sample Invoice", author="Sample Company",
subject="Sample Customer", keywords="Electronic TAX Invoice")
if nostamp:
f.pdf._putinfo = lambda: common.test_putinfo(f.pdf)
random = randomfake()
import random
csvpath = os.path.join(common.basepath, "invoice.csv")
f.parse_csv(infile=csvpath, delimiter=";", decimal_sep=",")
detail = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. " * 30
items = []
for i in range(1, 30):
ds = "Sample product %s" % i
qty = random.randint(1,10)
price = round(random.random()*100,3)
code = "%s%s%02d" % (chr(random.randint(65,90)), chr(random.randint(65,90)),i)
items.append(dict(code=code, unit='u',
qty=qty, price=price,
ds="%s: %s" % (i,ds)))
# divide and count lines
lines = 0
li_items = []
for it in items:
qty = it['qty']
code = it['code']
unit = it['unit']
for ds in f.split_multicell(it['ds'], 'item_description01'):
# add item description line (without price nor amount)
li_items.append(dict(code=code, ds=ds, qty=qty, unit=unit, price=None, amount=None))
# clean qty and code (show only at first)
unit = qty = code = None
# set last item line price and amount
li_items[-1].update(amount = it['amount'],
price = it['price'])
obs="\n<U>Detail:</U>\n\n" + detail
for ds in f.split_multicell(obs, 'item_description01'):
li_items.append(dict(code=code, ds=ds, qty=qty, unit=unit, price=None, amount=None))
# calculate pages:
lines = len(li_items)
max_lines_per_page = 24
pages = int(lines / (max_lines_per_page - 1))
if lines % (max_lines_per_page - 1): pages = pages + 1
# completo campos y hojas
for page in range(1, int(pages)+1):
f['page'] = 'Page %s of %s' % (page, pages)
if pages>1 and page<pages:
s = 'Continues on page %s' % (page+1)
s = ''
f['item_description%02d' % (max_lines_per_page+1)] = s
f["company_name"] = "Sample Company"
f["company_logo"] = os.path.join(common.basepath, "../tutorial/logo.png")
f["company_header1"] = "Some Address - somewhere -"
f["company_header2"] = "http://www.example.com"
f["company_footer1"] = "Tax Code ..."
f["company_footer2"] = "Tax/VAT ID ..."
f['number'] = '0001-00001234'
f['issue_date'] = '2010-09-10'
f['due_date'] = '2099-09-10'
f['customer_name'] = "Sample Client"
f['customer_address'] = "Siempreviva 1234"
# print line item...
li = 0
k = 0
total = Decimal("0.00")
for it in li_items:
k = k + 1
if k > page * (max_lines_per_page - 1):
if it['amount']:
total += Decimal("%.6f" % it['amount'])
if k > (page - 1) * (max_lines_per_page - 1):
li += 1
if it['qty'] is not None:
f['item_quantity%02d' % li] = it['qty']
if it['code'] is not None:
f['item_code%02d' % li] = it['code']
if it['unit'] is not None:
f['item_unit%02d' % li] = it['unit']
f['item_description%02d' % li] = it['ds']
if it['price'] is not None:
f['item_price%02d' % li] = "%0.3f" % it['price']
if it['amount'] is not None:
f['item_amount%02d' % li] = "%0.2f" % it['amount']
if pages == page:
f['net'] = "%0.2f" % (total/Decimal("1.21"))
f['vat'] = "%0.2f" % (total*(1-1/Decimal("1.21")))
f['total_label'] = 'Total:'
f['total_label'] = 'SubTotal:'
f['total'] = "%0.2f" % total
if __name__ == "__main__":
common.testmain(__file__, dotest)