#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"Basic test to check issue 70: raise an exception if add_page was not called"
import fpdf
# Portrait, millimeter units, A4 page size
pdf=fpdf.FPDF("P", "mm", "A4")
# Set font: Times, normal, size 10
pdf.set_font('Times','', 12)
# Layout cell: 0 x 5 mm, text, no border, Left
pdf.cell(0,5,'Input 1 : ',border=0,align="L")
pdf.cell(0,5,'Input 2 : ', border=0,align="L")
pdf.cell(0,5,'Recomendation : ', border=0, align="L")
pdf.cell(0,5,'Data 1 :', border=0, align="L" )
pdf.cell(0,5,'Data 2 :', border=0, align="L" )
fn = 'issue70.pdf'
except RuntimeError as e:
assert e.args[0] == "FPDF error: No page open, you need to call add_page() first"
raise RuntimeError("Exception not raised!")