# Copyright (C) 2007 Giampaolo Rodola' <g.rodola@gmail.com>.
# Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
pyftpdlib: RFC-959 asynchronous FTP server.
pyftpdlib implements a fully functioning asynchronous FTP server as
defined in RFC-959. A hierarchy of classes outlined below implement
the backend functionality for the FTPd:
accepts connections and dispatches them to a handler
a class representing the server-protocol-interpreter
(server-PI, see RFC-959). Each time a new connection occurs
FTPServer will create a new FTPHandler instance to handle the
current PI session.
base classes for active/passive-DTP backends.
this class handles processing of data transfer operations (server-DTP,
see RFC-959).
an "authorizer" is a class handling FTPd authentications and
permissions. It is used inside FTPHandler class to verify user
passwords, to get user's home directory and to get permissions
when a filesystem read/write occurs. "DummyAuthorizer" is the
base authorizer class providing a platform independent interface
for managing virtual users.
class used to interact with the file system, providing a high level,
cross-platform interface compatible with both Windows and UNIX style
Usage example:
>>> from pyftpdlib.authorizers import DummyAuthorizer
>>> from pyftpdlib.handlers import FTPHandler
>>> from pyftpdlib.servers import FTPServer
>>> authorizer = DummyAuthorizer()
>>> authorizer.add_user("user", "12345", "/home/giampaolo", perm="elradfmwMT")
>>> authorizer.add_anonymous("/home/nobody")
>>> handler = FTPHandler
>>> handler.authorizer = authorizer
>>> server = FTPServer(("", 21), handler)
>>> server.serve_forever()
[I 13-02-19 10:55:42] >>> starting FTP server on <<<
[I 13-02-19 10:55:42] poller: <class 'pyftpdlib.ioloop.Epoll'>
[I 13-02-19 10:55:42] masquerade (NAT) address: None
[I 13-02-19 10:55:42] passive ports: None
[I 13-02-19 10:55:42] use sendfile(2): True
[I 13-02-19 10:55:45][] FTP session opened (connect)
[I 13-02-19 10:55:48][user] USER 'user' logged in.
[I 13-02-19 10:56:27][user] RETR /home/giampaolo/.vimrc
completed=1 bytes=1700 seconds=0.001
[I 13-02-19 10:56:39][user] FTP session closed (disconnect).
__ver__ = '1.5.7'
__author__ = "Giampaolo Rodola' <g.rodola@gmail.com>"
__web__ = 'https://github.com/giampaolo/pyftpdlib/'