# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
pywebview is a lightweight cross-platform wrapper around a webview component that allows to display HTML content in its
own dedicated window. Works on Windows, OS X and Linux and compatible with Python 2 and 3.
(C) 2014-2019 Roman Sirokov and contributors
Licensed under BSD license
import logging
import sys
import os
import re
import threading
from uuid import uuid4
from proxy_tools import module_property
from webview.event import Event
from webview.guilib import initialize
from webview.util import _token, base_uri, parse_file_type, escape_string, make_unicode, escape_line_breaks, WebViewException
from webview.window import Window
from .localization import original_localization
from .wsgi import Routing, StaticFiles, StaticResources
from sys import platform
__all__ = (
# Stuff that's here
'start', 'create_window', 'token', 'screens'
# From wsgi
'Routing', 'StaticFiles', 'StaticResources',
# From event
# from util
'_token', 'base_uri', 'parse_file_type', 'escape_string', 'make_unicode',
'escape_line_breaks', 'WebViewException',
# from window
logger = logging.getLogger('pywebview')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('[pywebview] %(message)s')
log_level = logging.DEBUG if os.environ.get('PYWEBVIEW_LOG') == 'debug' else logging.INFO
DRAG_REGION_SELECTOR = '.pywebview-drag-region'
guilib = None
_debug = {
'mode': False
_user_agent = None
_multiprocessing = False
_http_server = False
token = _token
windows = []
def start(func=None, args=None, localization={}, gui=None, debug=False, http_server=False, user_agent=None):
Start a GUI loop and display previously created windows. This function must
be called from a main thread.
:param func: Function to invoke upon starting the GUI loop.
:param args: Function arguments. Can be either a single value or a tuple of
:param localization: A dictionary with localized strings. Default strings
and their keys are defined in
:param gui: Force a specific GUI. Allowed values are ``cef``, ``qt``, or
``gtk`` depending on a platform.
:param debug: Enable debug mode. Default is False.
:param http_server: Enable built-in HTTP server. If enabled, local files
will be served using a local HTTP server on a random port. For each
window, a separate HTTP server is spawned. This option is ignored for
non-local URLs.
:param user_agent: Change user agent string. Not supported in EdgeHTML.
global guilib, _debug, _multiprocessing, _http_server, _user_agent
def _create_children(other_windows):
if not windows[0].events.shown.wait(10):
raise WebViewException('Main window failed to load')
for window in other_windows:
_debug['mode'] = debug
if debug:
_user_agent = user_agent
#_multiprocessing = multiprocessing
multiprocessing = False # TODO
_http_server = http_server
if multiprocessing:
from multiprocessing import Process as Thread
from threading import Thread
if threading.current_thread().name != 'MainThread':
raise WebViewException('This function must be run from a main thread.')
if len(windows) == 0:
raise WebViewException('You must create a window first before calling this function.')
guilib = initialize(gui)
for window in windows:
window._initialize(guilib, multiprocessing, http_server)
if len(windows) > 1:
t = Thread(target=_create_children, args=(windows[1:],))
if func:
if args is not None:
if not hasattr(args, '__iter__'):
args = (args,)
t = Thread(target=func, args=args)
t = Thread(target=func)
def create_window(title, url=None, html=None, js_api=None, width=800, height=600, x=None, y=None,
resizable=True, fullscreen=False, min_size=(200, 100), hidden=False,
frameless=False, easy_drag=True,
minimized=False, on_top=False, confirm_close=False, background_color='#FFFFFF',
transparent=False, text_select=False, localization=None,icon=None):
Create a web view window using a native GUI. The execution blocks after this function is invoked, so other
program logic must be executed in a separate thread.
:param title: Window title
:param url: URL to load
:param width: window width. Default is 800px
:param height:window height. Default is 600px
:param resizable True if window can be resized, False otherwise. Default is True
:param fullscreen: True if start in fullscreen mode. Default is False
:param min_size: a (width, height) tuple that specifies a minimum window size. Default is 200x100
:param hidden: Whether the window should be hidden.
:param frameless: Whether the window should have a frame.
:param easy_drag: Easy window drag mode when window is frameless.
:param minimized: Display window minimized
:param on_top: Keep window above other windows (required OS: Windows)
:param confirm_close: Display a window close confirmation dialog. Default is False
:param background_color: Background color as a hex string that is displayed before the content of webview is loaded. Default is white.
:param text_select: Allow text selection on page. Default is False.
:param transparent: Don't draw window background.
:param icon: a icon for the window.
:return: window object.
valid_color = r'^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$'
if not re.match(valid_color, background_color):
raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid hex triplet color'.format(background_color))
uid = 'master' if len(windows) == 0 else 'child_' + uuid4().hex[:8]
window = Window(uid, make_unicode(title), url, html,
width, height, x, y, resizable, fullscreen, min_size, hidden,
frameless, easy_drag, minimized, on_top, confirm_close, background_color,
js_api, text_select, transparent, localization,icon)
if threading.current_thread().name != 'MainThread' and guilib:
window._initialize(guilib, _multiprocessing, _http_server)
return window
def screens():
guilib = initialize()
screens = guilib.get_screens()
return screens