src = r"""
* domJSON.js: A simple framework for converting DOM nodes to special JSON objects, and vice versa
* @fileOverview
* @author Alex Zaslavsky
* @version 0.1.2
* @license The MIT License: Copyright (c) 2013 Alex Zaslavsky
//Load the library
;(function(root, factory) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { //AMD
return factory(root);
} else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { //CommonJS/node.js
var domJSON = factory(root);
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = domJSON;
exports = domJSON;
} else { //Browser global
window.pywebview.domJSON = factory(root);
})(this, function(win){
"use strict";
* domJSON is a global variable to store two methods: `.toJSON()` to convert a DOM Node into a JSON object, and `.toDOM()` to turn that JSON object back into a DOM Node
* @namespace domJSON
* @global
var domJSON = {};
* An object specifying a list of fields and how to filter it, or an array with the first value being an optional boolean to convey the same information
* @typedef {Object|Array} FilterList
* @property {boolean} [exclude=false] If this is set to `true`, the `filter` property will specify which fields to exclude from the result (boolean difference), not which ones to include (boolean intersection)
* @property {string[]} values An array of strings which specify the fields to include/exclude from some broader list
* Default metadata for a JSON object
* @private
* @ignore
var metadata = {
href: win.location.href || null,
userAgent: window.navigator && window.navigator.userAgent ? window.navigator.userAgent : null,
version: '0.1.2'
* Default options for creating the JSON object
* @private
* @ignore
var defaultsForToJSON = {
absolutePaths: ['action', 'data', 'href', 'src'],
//absStylePaths: ['attr', 'background', 'background-image', 'border-image', 'border-image-source', 'content', 'list-style-image', 'mask-image'], //
attributes: true,
computedStyle: false,
cull: true,
deep: true,
domProperties: true,
filter: false,
htmlOnly: false,
metadata: true,
//parse: false,
serialProperties: false,
stringify: false,
allowDangerousElements: false
* Default options for creating a DOM node from a previously generated domJSON object
* @private
* @ignore
var defaultsForToDOM = {
noMeta: false,
allowDangerousElements: false
* A list of disallowed HTMLElement tags - there is no flexibility here, these cannot be processed by domJSON for security reasons!
* @private
* @ignore
var banned = [
]; //Consider (maybe) adding the following tags: iframe, html, audio, video, object
* A list of node properties that must be copied if they exist; there is no user option that will remove these
* @private
* @ignore
var required = [
* A list of node properties to specifically avoid simply copying; there is no user option that will allow these to be copied directly
* @private
* @ignore
var ignored = [
* A list of serialized read-only nodes to ignore; these can ovewritten if the user specifies the "filter" option
* @private
* @ignore
var serials = [
* Utility function to extend an object - useful for synchronizing user-submitted options with default values; same API as underscore extend
* @param {Object} [target] The object that will be extended
* @param {...Object} [added] Additional objects that will extend the target
* @private
* @ignore
var extend = function(target) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return arguments[0] || {};
//Overwrite matching properties on the target from the added object
for (var p in arguments[1]) {
target[p] = arguments[1][p];
//If we have more arguments, run the function recursively
if (arguments.length > 2) {
var moreArgs = [target].concat(, 2));
return extend.apply( null, moreArgs);
} else {
return target;
* Get all of the unique values (in the order they first appeared) from one or more arrays
* @param {...Array} constituent An array to combine into a larger array of unique values
* @private
* @ignore
var unique = function() {
if (!arguments.length) {
return [];
var all = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arguments);
for (var a = 0; a < all.length; a++) {
if (all.indexOf(all[a]) < a) {
all.splice(a, 1);
return all;
* Make a shallow copy of an object or array
* @param {Object|string[]} item The object/array that will be copied
* @private
* @ignore
var copy = function(item) {
if (item instanceof Array) {
return item.slice();
} else {
var output = {};
for (var i in item) {
output[i] = item[i];
return output;
* Do a boolean intersection between an array/object and a filter array
* @param {Object|string[]} item The object/array that will be intersected with the filter
* @param {boolean|string[]} filter Specifies which properties to select from the "item" (or element to keep, if "item is an array")
* @private
* @ignore
var boolInter = function(item, filter) {
var output;
if (item instanceof Array) {
output = unique(item.filter(function(val) { return filter.indexOf(val) > -1; }));
} else {
output = {};
for (var f in filter) {
if (item.hasOwnProperty(filter[f])) {
output[filter[f]] = item[filter[f]];
return output;
* Do a boolean difference between an array/object and a filter array
* @param {Object|string[]} item The object/array that will be differntiated with the filter
* @param {boolean|string[]} filter Specifies which properties to exclude from the "item" (or element to remove, if "item is an array")
* @private
* @ignore
var boolDiff = function(item, filter) {
var output;
if (item instanceof Array) {
output = unique(item.filter(function(val) { return filter.indexOf(val) === -1; }));
} else {
output = {};
for (var i in item) {
output[i] = item[i];
for (var f in filter) {
if (output.hasOwnProperty(filter[f])) {
delete output[filter[f]];
return output;
* Determine whether we want to do a boolean intersection or difference
* @param {Object|string[]} item The object/array that will be differntiated with the filter
* @param {boolean|Array} filter Specifies which a filter behavior; if it is an array, the first value can be a boolean, indicating whether the filter array is intended for differentiation (true) or intersection (false)
* @private
* @ignore
var boolFilter = function(item, filter) {
//A "false" filter means we return an empty copy of item
if (filter === false){
return (item instanceof Array) ? [] : {};
if (filter instanceof Array && filter.length) {
if (typeof filter[0] === 'boolean') {
if (filter.length == 1 && typeof(filter[0]) === 'boolean') {
//There is a filter array, but its only a sigle boolean
if (filter[0] === true) {
return copy(item);
} else {
return (item instanceof Array) ? [] : {};
} else {
//The filter operation has been set explicitly; true = difference
if (filter[0] === true) {
return boolDiff(item, filter.slice(1));
} else {
return boolInter(item, filter.slice(1));
} else {
//There is no explicit operation on the filter, meaning it defaults to an intersection
return boolInter(item, filter);
} else {
return copy(item);
* Ensure that a FilterList type input is converted into its shorthand array form
* @param {boolean|FilterList} filterList The FilterList, or boolean, that will converted into the shorthand form
* @private
* @ignore
var toShorthand = function(filterList) {
var outputArray;
if (typeof filterList === 'boolean') {
return filterList;
} else if (typeof filterList === 'object' && filterList !== null) {
if (filterList instanceof Array) {
return filterList.filter(function(v, i){
return typeof v === 'string' || (i === 0 && v === true) ? true : false;
} else {
if (!(filterList.values instanceof Array)) {
return false;
outputArray = filterList.values.filter(function(v){
return typeof v === 'string' ? true : false;
if (!outputArray.length) {
return false;
if (filterList.exclude) {
return outputArray;
} else if (filterList) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if the supplied string value is a relative path, and convert it to an absolute one if necessary; the segment processing paths leading with "../" was inspired by:
* @param {string} value The value that might be a relative path, and would thus need conversion
* @param {Object} origin The origin URL from which to which non-absolute paths are relative
* @private
* @ignore
var toAbsolute = function(value, origin) {
var protocol, stack, parts;
//Sometimes, we get lucky and the DOM Node we're working on already has the absolute URL as a DOM property, so we can just use that
/*if (node[name]){
//We can just grab the compiled URL directly from the DOM element - easy peasy
var sub = node[name].indexOf(value);
if (sub !== -1) {
return node[name];
//Check to make sure we don't already have an absolute path, or even a dataURI
if ( value.match(/(?:^data\:|^[\w\-\+\.]*?\:\/\/|^\/\/)/i) ){
return value;
//If we are using the root URL, start from there
if ( value.charAt(0) === '/' ){
return origin + value.substr(1);
//Uh-oh, the relative path is leading with a single or double dot ("./" or "../"); things get a bit harder...
protocol = origin.indexOf('://') > -1 ? origin.substring(0, origin.indexOf('://') + 3) : '';
stack = (protocol.length ? origin.substring(protocol.length) : origin).split('/');
parts = value.split('/');
//The value after the last slash is ALWAYS considered a filename, not a directory, so always have trailing slashes on paths ending at directories!
//Cycle through the relative path, changing the stack as we go
for (var i=0; i<parts.length; i++) {
if (parts[i] == '.') {
if (parts[i] == '..') {
if (stack.length > 1) {
} else {
return (protocol + stack.join('/'));
* Create a copy of a node's properties, ignoring nasty things like event handles and functions
* @param {Node} node The DOM Node whose properties will be copied
* @param {Object} [opts] The options object passed down from the .toJSON() method; includes all options, even those not relevant to this function
* @private
* @ignore
var copyJSON = function(node, opts) {
var copy = {};
//Copy all of the node's properties
for (var n in node){
//Make sure this property can be accessed
try {
//accessing `selectionDirection`, `selectionStart`, or `selectionEnd` throws in WebKit-based browsers
} catch (e) {
//Make sure this is an own property, and isn't a live javascript function for security reasons
if (typeof node[n] !== 'undefined' && typeof node[n] !== 'function' && n.charAt(0).toLowerCase() === n.charAt(0)) {
//Only allowed objects are arrays
if ( typeof node[n] !== 'object' || node[n] instanceof Array ) {
//If we are eliminating empty fields, make sure this value is not NULL or UNDEFINED
if (opts.cull) {
if (node[n] || node[n] === 0 || node[n] === false) {
copy[n] = node[n];
} else {
copy[n] = node[n];
copy = boolFilter(copy, opts.domProperties);
return copy;
* Convert the attributes property of a DOM Node to a JSON ready object
* @param {Node} node The DOM Node whose attributes will be copied
* @param {Object} [opts] The options object passed down from the .toJSON() method; includes all options, even those not relevant to this function
* @private
* @ignore
var attrJSON = function(node, opts) {
var attributes = {};
var attr = node.attributes;
var length = attr.length;
var absAttr;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
attributes[attr[i].name] = attr[i].value;
attributes = opts.attributes ? boolFilter(attributes, opts.attributes) : null;
//Add the attributes object, converting any specified absolute paths along the way
absAttr = boolFilter(attributes, opts.absolutePaths);
for (var i in absAttr) {
attributes[i] = toAbsolute(absAttr[i], opts.absoluteBase);
return attributes;
* Grab a DOM Node's computed style
* @param {Node} node The DOM Node whose computed style will be calculated
* @param {Object} [opts] The options object passed down from the .toJSON() method; includes all options, even those not relevant to this function
* @private
* @ignore
var styleJSON = function(node, opts) {
//Grab the computed style
var style, css = {};
if (opts.computedStyle && instanceof CSSStyleDeclaration) {
style = win.getComputedStyle(node);
} else {
return null;
//Get the relevant properties from the computed style
for (var k in style) {
if ( k !== 'cssText' && !k.match(/\d/) && typeof style[k] === 'string' && style[k].length ) {
//css.push(k+ ': ' +style[k]+ ';');
css[k] = style[k];
//Filter the style object
return (opts.computedStyle instanceof Array) ? boolFilter(css, opts.computedStyle) : css;
* Convert a single DOM Node into a simple object
* @param {Node} node The DOM Node that will be converted
* @param {Object} [opts] The options object passed down from the .toJSON() method; includes all options, even those not relevant to this function
* @private
* @ignore
var toJSON = function(node, opts, depth) {
var style, kids, kidCount, thisChild, children, copy = copyJSON(node, opts);
//Per default, some tags are not allowed
if (node.nodeType === 1) {
if (!opts.allowDangerousElements) {
for (var b in banned) {
if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === banned[b]) {
return null;
} else if (node.nodeType === 3 && !node.nodeValue.trim()) {
//Ignore empty buffer text nodes
return null;
//Copy all attributes and styles, if allowed
if (opts.attributes && node.attributes) {
copy.attributes = attrJSON(node, opts);
if (opts.computedStyle && (style = styleJSON(node, opts))) { = style;
//Should we continue iterating?
if (opts.deep === true || (typeof opts.deep === 'number' && opts.deep > depth)) {
//We should!
children = [];
kids = (opts.htmlOnly) ? node.children : node.childNodes;
kidCount = kids.length;
for (var c = 0; c < kidCount; c++) {
thisChild = toJSON(kids[c], opts, depth + 1);
if (thisChild) {
//Append the children in the appropriate place
copy.childNodes = children;
return copy;
* Take a DOM node and convert it to simple object literal (or JSON string) with no circular references and no functions or events
* @param {Node} node The actual DOM Node which will be the starting point for parsing the DOM Tree
* @param {Object} [opts] A list of all method options
* @param {boolean} [opts.allowDangerousElements=`false`] Use `true` to parse the potentially dangerous elements `<link>` and `<script>`
* @param {boolean|FilterList} [opts.absolutePaths=`'action', 'data', 'href', 'src'`] Only relevant if `opts.attributes` is not `false`; use `true` to convert all relative paths found in attribute values to absolute paths, or specify a `FilterList` of keys to boolean search
* @param {boolean|FilterList} [opts.attributes=`true`] Use `true` to copy all attribute key-value pairs, or specify a `FilterList` of keys to boolean search
* @param {boolean|FilterList} [opts.computedStyle=`false`] Use `true` to parse the results of "window.getComputedStyle()" on every node (specify a `FilterList` of CSS properties to be included via boolean search); this operation is VERY costly performance-wise!
* @param {boolean} [opts.cull=`false`] Use `true` to ignore empty element properties
* @param {boolean|number} [opts.deep=`true`] Use `true` to iterate and copy all childNodes, or an INTEGER indicating how many levels down the DOM tree to iterate
* @param {boolean|FilterList} [opts.domProperties=true] 'false' means only 'tagName', 'nodeType', and 'nodeValue' properties will be copied, while a `FilterList` can specify DOM properties to include or exclude in the output (except for ones which serialize the DOM Node, which are handled separately by `opts.serialProperties`)
* @param {boolean} [opts.htmlOnly=`false`] Use `true` to only iterate through childNodes where nodeType = 1 (aka, instances of HTMLElement); irrelevant if `opts.deep` is `true`
* @param {boolean} [opts.metadata=`false`] Output a special object of the domJSON class, which includes metadata about this operation
* @todo {boolean|FilterList} [opts.parse=`false`] a `FilterList` of properties that are DOM nodes, but will still be copied **PLANNED**
* @param {boolean|FilterList} [opts.serialProperties=`true`] Use `true` to ignore the properties that store a serialized version of this DOM Node (ex: outerHTML, innerText, etc), or specify a `FilterList` of serial properties (no boolean search!)
* @param {boolean} [opts.stringify=`false`] Output a JSON string, or just a JSON-ready javascript object?
* @return {Object|string} A JSON-friendly object, or JSON string, of the DOM node -> JSON conversion output
* @method
* @memberof domJSON
domJSON.toJSON = function(node, opts) {
var copy, keys = [], options = {}, output = {};
var timer = new Date().getTime();
var requiring = required.slice();
var ignoring = ignored.slice();
//Update the default options w/ the user's custom settings
options = extend({}, defaultsForToJSON, opts);
//Convert all options that accept FilterList type inputs into the shorthand notation
options.absolutePaths = toShorthand(options.absolutePaths);
options.attributes = toShorthand(options.attributes);
options.computedStyle = toShorthand(options.computedStyle);
options.domProperties = toShorthand(options.domProperties);
options.serialProperties = toShorthand(options.serialProperties);
//Make sure there is a base URL for absolute path conversions
options.absoluteBase = win.location.origin + '/';
//Make lists of which DOM properties to skip and/or which are absolutely necessary
if (options.serialProperties !== true) {
if (options.serialProperties instanceof Array && options.serialProperties.length) {
if (options.serialProperties[0] === true) {
ignoring = ignoring.concat( boolDiff(serials, options.serialProperties) );
} else {
ignoring = ignoring.concat( boolInter(serials, options.serialProperties) );
} else {
ignoring = ignoring.concat( serials );
if (options.domProperties instanceof Array) {
if (options.domProperties[0] === true) {
options.domProperties = boolDiff( unique(options.domProperties, ignoring), requiring );
} else {
options.domProperties = boolDiff( unique(options.domProperties, requiring), ignoring );
} else {
if (options.domProperties === false) {
options.domProperties = requiring;
} else {
options.domProperties = [true].concat(ignoring);
//Transform the node into an object literal
copy = toJSON(node, options, 0);
//Wrap our copy object in a nice object of its own to save some metadata
if (options.metadata) {
output.meta = extend({}, metadata, {
clock: new Date().getTime() - timer,
date: new Date().toISOString(),
dimensions: {
inner: {
x: window.innerWidth,
y: window.innerHeight
outer: {
x: window.outerWidth,
y: window.outerHeight
options: options
output.node = copy;
} else {
output = copy;
//If opts.stringify is true, turn the output object into a JSON string
if (options.stringify) {
return JSON.stringify(output);
return output;
* Create a node based on a given nodeType
* @param {number} type The type of DOM Node (only the integers 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 are valid, see; currently, only nodeTypes 1,3, and 11 have been tested and are officially supported
* @param {DocumentFragment} doc The document fragment to which this newly created DOM Node will be added
* @param {Object} data The saved DOM properties that are part of the JSON representation of this DOM Node
* @private
* @ignore
var createNode = function(type, doc, data) {
if (doc instanceof DocumentFragment) {
doc = doc.ownerDocument;
switch(type) {
case 1: //HTMLElement
if (typeof data.tagName === 'string') {
return doc.createElement(data.tagName);
return false;
case 3: //Text Node
if (typeof data.nodeValue === 'string' && data.nodeValue.length) {
return doc.createTextNode(data.nodeValue);
return doc.createTextNode('');
case 7: //Processing Instruction
if (data.hasOwnProperty('target') && data.hasOwnProperty('data')) {
return doc.createProcessingInstruction(,;
return false;
case 8: //Comment Node
if (typeof data.nodeValue === 'string') {
return doc.createComment(data.nodeValue);
return doc.createComment('');
case 9: //HTML Document
return doc.implementation.createHTMLDocument(data);
case 11: //Document Fragment
return doc;
default: //Failed
return false;
//Recursively convert a JSON object generated by domJSON to a DOM Node
* Do the work of converting a JSON object/string generated by domJSON to a DOM Node
* @param {Object} obj The JSON representation of the DOM Node we are about to create
* @param {HTMLElement} parent The HTML Element to which this DOM Node will be appended
* @param {DocumentFragment} doc The document fragment to which this newly created DOM Node will be added
* @param {Object} [opts] A list of all method options
* @private
* @ignore
var toDOM = function(obj, parent, doc, opts) {
//Create the node, if possible
if (obj.nodeType) {
//Per default, some tags are not allowed
if (obj.nodeType === 1 && !opts.allowDangerousElements) {
for (var b in banned) {
if (obj.tagName.toLowerCase() === banned[b]) {
return false;
var node = createNode(obj.nodeType, doc, obj);
} else {
return false;
//Copy all available properties that are not arrays or objects
for (var x in obj) {
if (typeof obj[x] !== 'object' && x !== 'isContentEditable' && x !== 'childNodes') {
try {
node[x] = obj[x];
} catch(e) {
//If this is an HTMLElement, set the attributes
var src;
if (obj.nodeType === 1 && obj.tagName) {
if (obj.attributes) {
//Check for cross-origin
/*src = obj.attributes.src ? 'src' : (obj.attributes.href ? 'href' : null);
if (src) {
obj.attributes[src] += ( (obj.attributes[src].indexOf('?') === -1) ? '?' : '&'+Math.random().toString(36).slice(-2)+'=' ) + Math.random().toString(36).slice(-4);
obj.attributes.crossorigin = 'anonymous';
//node.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
for (var a in obj.attributes) {
node.setAttribute(a, obj.attributes[a]);
//Finally, if we have childNodes, recurse through them
if (obj.childNodes && obj.childNodes.length) {
for (var c in obj.childNodes) {
toDOM(obj.childNodes[c], node, doc, opts);
* Take the JSON-friendly object created by the `.toJSON()` method and rebuild it back into a DOM Node
* @param {Object} obj A JSON friendly object, or even JSON string, of some DOM Node
* @param {Object} [opts] A list of all method options
* @param {boolean} [opts.allowDangerousElements=`false`] Use `true` to include the potentially dangerous elements `<link>` and `<script>`
* @param {boolean} [opts.noMeta=`false`] `true` means that this object is not wrapped in metadata, which it makes it somewhat more difficult to rebuild properly...
* @return {DocumentFragment} A `DocumentFragment` (nodeType 11) containing the result of unpacking the input `obj`
* @method
* @memberof domJSON
domJSON.toDOM = function(obj, opts) {
var options, node;
//Parse the JSON string if necessary
if (typeof obj === 'string') {
obj = JSON.parse(obj);
//Update the default options w/ the user's custom settings
options = extend({}, defaultsForToDOM, opts);
//Create a document fragment, and away we go!
node = document.createDocumentFragment();
if (options.noMeta) {
toDOM(obj, node, node, options);
} else {
toDOM(obj.node, node, node, options);
return node;
/* test-code */
//The code below is only included for private API testing, and needs to be removed in distributed builds
domJSON.__extend = extend;
domJSON.__unique = unique;
domJSON.__copy = copy;
domJSON.__boolFilter = boolFilter;
domJSON.__boolInter = boolInter;
domJSON.__boolDiff = boolDiff;
domJSON.__toShorthand = toShorthand;
/* end-test-code */
return domJSON;